Saturday 8 September 2012

Command Prompt Tips

We all use command prompt for many tasks.

So what is CMD?
Command Prompt (executable name cmd.exe) is the Microsoft-supplied command-line interpreter on OS/2, Windows CE and on Windows NT-based operating systems.

Professinal Hackers extensively use CMD to hack and gain acesses to windows, so one one must have a good knowledge about CMD in order to become a pro-hacker.

Here is a list of some CMD commands:

1. ipconfig
This is the top most command for seeing the ip address,subnet mask and default gateway also includes display and flush DNS cache, re-register the system name in DNS.. This will most useful tool for viewing and troubleshooting TCP/IP problem.

2. systeminfo
Have a need to display operating system configuration information for a local or remote machine, including service pack levels? Then systeminfo is the tool to use. This command gives all the info including: host name, OS type, version, product ID, install date, boot time and hardware info (processor and memory).

5. netstat
Then netstat is the tool you want to run. The output provides valuable information of all connections and listening ports, including the executable used in the connections. In additon to the above info, you can view Ethernet statistics, and resolve connecting host IP Addresses to a fully qualified domain name.

6. nslookup
nslookup can be a valuable tool for testing and troubleshooting DNS servers.
For Eg., [nslookup]  diplays the adresses and other info. 

8. ping
These tools can be helpful with connectivity to other systems. Ping will test whether a particular host is reachable across an IP network.

For Eg. [ping] Displays the IP adresses of

9. eventvwr.msc
this will open up event displayer which can be used to view the activity done on the computer. 

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